tickTicks are very common parasites that are known to almost everyone. Even though they tend to be found all through the year, they seem to be more prevalent during the warm summer months in most areas. The parasites are always on a quest for a host, but what most people do not know is that the parasites can actually survive for up to a year without any feeding. This makes them very strong parasites that would need expert intervention and advice to effectively get rid of in case of an infestation.

An adult tick has eight legs, whereas an immature tick has six legs. This is the major physical characteristic that can help you distinguish between an adult and an immature tick. Important to note is that ticks can transmit diseases when they feed on animal hosts and also human hosts. Some of the common diseases that they can spread are Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Tularemia, Q fever, Meningoencephalitis and Tick Paralysis. These diseases make it important for you to have your domestic animals regularly treated and you can also call in pest professionals if you seem to have a tick infestation that is making you uncomfortable on your property.


For the female ticks to lay her eggs, it is paramount that she has blood meal. In essence, she will feed on the host for blood and then drop off the host to lay thousands of eggs. As nature would have it, the female tick only lays a batch of eggs before she dies but she still gives life to thousands of other ticks before she takes a bow. The male tick will also die after it has reproduced and the cycle goes on and on.

Generally, there are two tick families, soft ticks and hard ticks. The family of the tick determines the maturity stages it goes through from an egg to an adult. Some take very few stages to reach maturity but there are ticks that can take up to eight months before they are fully mature. Apart from the family type playing a part in the development of the ticks, humidity, food availability and temperatures can also play a role in the tick development stages.

Tick Types

The parasite host preferences acquire them the different types hence names and types like American dog tick, bird tick, cat tick, deer tick and bat tick have taken effect. Your family pet could be a popular carrier of the parasites and this creates an easy way for the ticks to find their way into your precious home.

What to do ?

The fact that female ticks seek tiny crevices to store their laid eggs can lead to a full infestation in your home as soon as the eggs hatch. It can be frustrating and difficult to handle an infestation on your own because eggs can hatch at different times, hence you deal with a new infestation after getting rid of the previous one. As long as you have eggs in your home, then the infestations can persist. The best you can do is to let a professional pest control company handle your tick infestations.