Toro Silver Protection Program – Monthly Service
The Toro Superior Protection Program caters to all your needs, taking into consideration pests and children in your home. The silver protection is cost effective and tackles the pest menaces to offer you a better living environment. Our program emphasizes more on inspecting the property and using pest control application and baiting technologies to create a safe and hygienic home everyone yearns for. We are confident enough in what we do to guarantee you a pest free environment. Further, we guarantee to come back for a free treatment in case the bugs show up on your property after treatment.
Pests we cover
The silver protection program covers a long list of pests just like our other programs. Those we cover in our agreement are:
American Cockroaches , Oriental Cockroaches , German Cockroaches , Smokey-Brown , Pharaoh Ants , Brown-Banded , Crazy Ants , Thief Ants , Ghost Ants , White Footed Ants , Centipedes , Fire Ants , Millipedes , Silver Fish , Sow bugs , Firebrats , Scorpions , Earwigs , Spiders , Norway Rat , House Mouse and Roof Rat.
Program features
The Toro silver program features:
• Comprehensive exterior and interior inspection
• Perimeter treatment outside your home
• Treatment under window casings and on door thresholds and all entry points
• Treatment of the property’s garbage area as well as the garage, which is usually forgotten
• Installation of Toro pest monitors
• Injection treatment of cracks and crevices in your bathrooms and kitchen among other areas
• Treatment under and around appliances like your dryers and refrigerators and others
• Wall voids treatment
Why choose the program
The silver monthly program keeps your home free from the frustrating pests every other month. This means that you are less likely to have re-infestations with the continuous program that ensures that pest issues are dealt with as they arise for a better and enjoyable living environment.
The program cares for your convenience and incorporates pest control methods that are safe for your children and pets. You won’t even have to move from your home to have the treatment done because we use safe products and methods in that we do not leave your home with odors or any messy sprays. As far as time goes, you can choose a treatment time and day that you find most convenient for you. The Toro Pest Management program also offers you reasonable, flexible payment plans and options. You have the option of paying for our services by cash, check, major credit cards and pay online. The silver program is very affordable hence you can enjoy the important monthly service to keep your home pest free and offer better living for your family.
Ask us about our Silver Protection Program, which is one of the best monthly programs you can find in the market today. You have a pest problem and we have the most suitable and affordable pest solutions you can rely on. Let us help you forget the pesky pests giving you a rough time in your own home.