rat-369105_960_720Mice are very efficient breeders; they attain sexual maturity at just five weeks old into their life. Unlike the human race, mice do not recognize the concept of incest, hence wherever a male and a female meet sexual intercourse will most likely occur and considering the population of mice; both male and female out there, that’s like mice engaging in intercourse every 2 days in a week.

Another factor is, mice do not have a particular breeding season; as long as the immediate living condition is bearable (not overly hot or cold). Female mice usually come into heat period at a rate of once in every four or five days and a few more times in the early stages of their pregnancy. One other factor that points at the rate at which mice reproduce is the fact that they have the tendency to mate across various species of their family (Rattus).

Mice take only an amazing 21 to 23 or 26 days for special cases during their gestation period to deliver their babies. Female mice are known to go right back into heat after birth of their baby mice. At this amazing rate of delivery, it is little surprise why mice are one of the most popular rodents in the universe. Then the process of child birth in mice requires no tangible external assistance; mice deliver their babies with minimum fuss and this works out as a favorable condition for mice to multiply all over.

Now, for the rate at which mice multiply, a female rat possesses the tendency to couple over 500 times within six hours with different partners too. This state of copulation is experienced by the female rat over 15 times annually, and two matured mice have the capacity to breed as much as 2000 offspring annually too. From this study it is pretty obvious the rate at which mice multiply is alarming. So basically, leave a rat without any disturbance and it will become a battalion in no time at all.

Rodents multiplying in numbers, and then having to hunt them in that great number later is something no one wants really, except scientists of course who have an interest in the particular rodent. Some other persons that may want to deliberately breed mice are the ones who exploit their cuddly and friendly feel to train them as pets (in truth they are amazing pets if well trained), but when they are not your visitors, they will take your home apart.

Mice are one of the most destructive domestic rodents out there; they attack books which might include very sensitive documents, foods and drinks and then there’s the risk of contracting one of the diseases they have to offer. One of the most prominent factors that hinder the reproduction rate of mice is deliberate human actions to halt their spread. So, if you see a rat in and around you, get to work immediately and send it packing with all its baggage.